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February Runner of the Month

Writer's picture: MRTTMRTT

February Runner of the Month: Eunice Allen

When and why did you start running? I ran in high school and college at LSU. I then restarted around 2008 for recreation, health and to lose weight.

How long have you been a runner? Most of my life

First race? MS run in Addison – 5k 2008

Most recent race? New Orleans RNR 10k

Favorite piece of gear? My new Garmin 630

What shoes do you run in? Saucony

Favorite way to cross train? cycling

Best running memory? Finishing my very first half marathon – McKinney Mini 2015

Bucket list race? Disney Run – Tinkerbell Half marathon

Favorite race so far? Diva Run Galveston, TX

Do you have a favorite distance? Probably 10k

Favorite tune to rock out to while running? Pandora – booty bouncers radio

Best part about running? I just feel free and relaxed

Who inspires you? The ladies I run with. We run under the name “Running by Faith” and everyone are different ages ranging from 30s – 60s and to have them by my side pushing and supporting each other just makes me want to keep going

What has been your biggest challenge so far? Staying healthy

Any words of advice? I love to run and try to inspire others to find that one true passion that you feel you just cant do without.

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