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April Runner of the Month

Writer's picture: MRTTMRTT

April Runner of the Month: Kim Moncibais

When and why did you start running? I started running in 2010, after turning 40, because I wanted some type of active lifestyle (besides being an Uber for my kids). #doingsomethingallaboutme

How long have you been a runner? I’ve been a runner for almost 7 years! I don’t even have a marriage that has lasted that long :) #imonaroll

First race? Rudolph Run 5k in December 2010 – I almost died #notreallybutalmost

Most recent race? Luckenback Ragnar because no sleep and 200 mile relay sounded fun #finishlinewasatabar

Favorite piece of gear? Garmin 235 #dontmakemerunwithoutit

What shoes do you run in? Asics Nimbus 18 #wideshoeboxforthisshortgirl

Favorite way to cross train? Camp Gladiator three times per week #yesiliftbro

Best running memory? Seriously, you can’t make me choose! I have so many for so many different reasons. Probably best one was a butt load of MRTT ladies running RNR NOLA last year when I completed my first full #twentysixpointtwobeforebourbonstreet

Bucket list race? This tends to change occasionally, but most recent list is New York Marathon #seeyouinnovember

Favorite race so far? I love the RNR Vegas race every year, but Ragnar was pretty awesome too #whereverbeerisatfinishlinereally

Do you have a favorite distance? One mile. JK. I prefer the half #longercutsintomycelebratorynachotime

What is something that most people do not know about you? I drink a little and cuss a lot #butiloveJesus #theFwordisanounverbadjectiveadverb

Favorite tune to rock out to while running? I haven’t listened to music while running in about 4 years #ionlyrunwithotherssotheycantalktome

Best part about running? Time away from responsibilities and spending it with the ladies for sure! #andbankingcalories

Who inspires you? Everyone in MRTT! There are so many that have made an amazing impact on my life and keeping me motivated to run. Special thanks to Tracy T, Alicia L, Jessica L, Kelly D, Aimee S, Christy T, Kim L, Lisa B, Marissa S, Teri A, Rochelle B…the list goes on #iknowiammissingsomanynamesonthelist

What has been your biggest challenge so far? It hasn’t really been a challenge, but more so a mindset that pace doesn’t matter. I’ll never be a fast runner anyway, so might as well go out there and enjoy the run. #willstopforselfiesanytime

Any words of advice? Find a group of ladies in your area that have the same running schedule! Not only is it motivating to keep running, but it’s also like going to see a free psychologist. #runningisalsotherapy

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