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October Runner of the Month

Writer's picture: MRTTMRTT

October Runner of the Month: Jeanette Caballero-Bell

When and why did you start running? November 2016 – I wanted to participate in the North Texas Turkey Trot with friends. We did more walking than running, but it was fun.

How long have you been a runner? 10’ish months if you count the Turkey Trot; however, I became a serious and focused runner in January 2017.

First race? North Texas Turkey Trot, but Believe 2016 was my first race of running more than walking.

Most recent race? Plano Balloon Festival Half-Marathon (Did the 5k as well)

Favorite piece of gear? Polar M400

What shoes do you run in? I love running in Under Armour, but am finally loving my Altras. When I have done the relay races with CRRC, I have worn my Nike running shoes.

Favorite way to cross train? I go to strength training classes with Mike at Jones Elite Athletes. I also cross-train at home by doing a workout plan that I put together monthly for myself and a group of friends.

Best running memory? Crossing the finish line of my first Half-Marathon – Dallas Rock ‘N’ Roll 2017. I cried as I crossed the finish line because I couldn’t believe that I had just done that distance, and I was still alive!!

Bucket list race? I would like to run a Half-Marathon in San Francisco.

Favorite race so far? Plano Balloon Festival Half-Marathon had the best course support. It was my first time to be a Pacer. Loved every step of it!

Do you have a favorite distance? 13.1 is my favorite. Something about long runs just makes me feel good!

What is something that most people do not know about you? I HATED running when I was in high school. I used to make up excuses on running days. I wouldn’t even try to run fast because I hated it so much.

Favorite tune to rock out to while running? I actually do not listen to music while I run. I focus on my breathing and my surroundings. Maybe one day I will try music while running, but for now, I am okay without it.

Best part about running? The feeling of accomplishment at the end, especially when I have Frunners with me.

Who inspires you? Wow, this is a tough one for me. Every single one of the MRTTers inspire me! I love the stories, and the support. LaVette, Kylar, Gladys, Belinda, Jaky, Eva, Kristy, Jaime, Rosalind, Heather, Sadie, Shilpi, Francine, Christie, Lynda, Bonita, Nikki, and so many others have helped push me get to where I am today. I couldn’t do it without any of them. Every single individual who I have put miles in has inspired me in one way or another.

What has been your biggest challenge so far? My biggest challenge so far is that I don’t feel I have enough time to train like I want to. I would like to be a tad bit faster than where I am now, and sometimes, I feel that I don’t push myself like I should. I know that I should just be happy with where I am as opposed to where I was in January. Trust me, I have come a long way!! Oh, and another big challenge is not having the cushy bank account to support my running habit. LOL

Any words of advice? Take in each moment of your running journey. Do not worry about what someone else is doing. Focus on your goals. Take a trip down memory lane to relive the moments that have gotten you to where you are today. It’s not always about the pace, for sometimes, it is the distance that is what is most important.

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