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January Runner of the Month

Writer's picture: MRTTMRTT

January Runner of the Month: Kristy Begshaw

When and why did you start running? I started running 9 years ago off and on, but became more serious 2 years ago after my 4th miscarriage. I mentally needed an outlet as I could see myself struggling with depression. I needed a healthy outlet that also helped me look forward to on my scheduled running days.

Most recent race? -(NOT the real) Resolution Run 10k :D

Favorite piece of gear? My gymboss. It’s the one piece of equipment that has helped me accomplish many miles and learned that many runners run intervals.

What shoes do you run in? I’ve recently switched to Brooks from Asics.

Favorite way to cross train? I’ve recently started weight lifting and stretching more at home. I have trouble with shin-splints and my hips that I’ve now had to focus more on that to prevent injury.

Best running memory? Running my first half with Amara, Tracy Tesauro, Alicia, and Jeanette there to cheer me on. Those ladies knew how to encourage and keep my motivation up for struggling through my first 4 miles. You ladies will never realize how much I appreciated you and continue to look up to ya’ll!

Bucket list race? I don’t know I have some running bullies trying to get me to do a 50k trail……….it’s got a 22h cut-off, totally doable RIGHT? (everyone said yes Kristy, sign up now)

Favorite race so far? Las Vegas Half I did with my siblings and their friends.

Do you have a favorite distance? 4-9miles, depends on the day…..people I’m running with or podcasts I’m listening to, but mostly 10k.

What is something that most people do not know about you? I’m an identical twin. My sis and I talk/face-time literally every day. I do believe we have that intuition as when either of us are fixing to call/text the one of us barely beats the other.

Favorite tune to rock out to while running? Pandora power workout or a podcast

Best part about running? I get a break from my kids! LOL (those of you who don’t know me, I have an 8 yo sassafrass, 2.5 yo boy, and 1 yo twin boys)

Who inspires you? Wow, this will be long as I have MANY frunners who have gotten back to believing in myself! Amara (my biggest running bully), Tracy Tesauro, Alicia Loran, Jeanette, Laurie Steempfli, EVAaaaaa Hartman, Shilpi Adya, Christie Thomas, Kelly David, Aimee Steele, Francine Holbein, Brandy Comba, Jaime Badgers & Rozzzz (Rosalind Buchalski). There’s 3 others who helped me get back into it as well, Shannon Wu, Karen Langford, & Jessica Mair. When I struggle there are times I think of each of you. I’ve run with almost all of you one on one and each of you have given me many word of advice, encourage thoughts and down-right HONESTY of how hard it is being a mom. We as moms need a sense of accomplishment, yes, being a mom is rewarding but we need that one thing that we can do on our own and work for to accomplish; running is where we all connect.

What has been your biggest challenge so far? Husband (haahahaa! No he gets it…sometimes) but honestly it’s my leg cramps and hip flexors acting up-hence my increase in stretching now.

Any words of advice? THE best thing I heard from Tracy Tesauro before meeting up with the “elite crew” as I was literally sick to my stomach and didn’t know if I could hang, she said the one thing that I share with many new runners I meet with. “It’s not about the time; it’s all about getting some miles in.” Keep encouraging others. You never know when they’re in a funk, and sign up for a race every month (our #medalamonth, #frunnersmademedoit) crew are about encouraging everyone and bringing out the best in our MRTT no matter your pace or distance.

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