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April Runner of the Month

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April Runner of the Month | Emily Wyatt

When and why did you start running? I started running when my first born, Colton, was 6 months old. I was never a runner growing up. I was the kid that WALKED the mile in PE because I had zero endurance…lots of energy, but no endurance. I was never really very athletic at all, actually. Anyway, after having Colton, I needed something to get me moving and aid in losing the last bit of baby weight. Couch to 5K was super popular at that time. I kept hearing about it, so I looked into it. It seemed manageable. We lived in Michigan at the time and it was December. With it being so cold, we bought a used treadmill and I got started. I ran my first 5k that March and then, very shortly after, decided to tackle a half marathon in May! It was so crazy how quickly I realized I COULD run…I COULD do it…I just had to commit to it. My husband and I ran our first half marathon on Cinco de Mayo, a month before Colton turned one. I remember training for that half marathon, thinking over and over “This is a testament to your kids. This is the story you tell. If you can run a half, you can do anything you put your mind to. They can too.”

First race? First 5k - Shamrock Run in Portage, MI

First half marathon - Borgess “Run for the Health of it” Kalamazoo, MI

Most recent race? BMW Virtual weekend series 5k+Full

Favorite piece of gear? Nike tempo shorts…hello built in undies!!!! I also used to swear by features, but recently found toe socks by injinji and they are a game changer. No more blisters!

What shoes do you run in? Brooks - I used to run in Glycerin and Adrenaline, but recently switched to Ghost and am glad I did!!!! I needed a wider toe box because I always get blisters between my big toe and second toe. The switch to the Ghost and injinji socks really helped.

Favorite way to cross-train? Les Mills Body Pump at 24 hour fitness

Best running memory? Oh man, this is hard! I have many amazing memories and I think many races provide different feelings so it’s hard to choose the “best.” Of course my first half brings memories of success and empowerment, but so does finishing my first full (BMW in 2017). I remember running down the chute of the finish line, crying, with my index finger in the air and shouting “My first full! I did my first full!” That was probably my favorite memory until recently. I talked my sole sister, Melissa (also an MRTT member), into doing another full (she had ran one previously as well). We pretty much run BMW every year. 2020 was supposed to be the 50th celebration, so we were debating how to challenge ourselves for the big celebration. Even though we both swore we were one and done with the full, 3 years later, I was twisting my own arm. I really wanted to try to sub 5. My first full was 5:10. Melissa ran a sub 5 her first full but was interested in trying to PR. So I talked her into it. Well, we all know covid changed everything for 2020. BMW gave runners the option to run virtual in 2020 or postpone to spring 2021. Melissa and I are both cool temp runners and with us having a time goal, the spring really wasn’t an option for us. It was disheartening to run this distance in a virtual environment, but we moved forward. Let me tell ya, THAT WAS A RUN FOR THE BOOKS. We wanted to be as official as possible, so we ran the on the original date scheduled. For weeks, not a cloud in the sky. After the race, no rain. However, the 5 hours we ran…torrential downpour. Lightening. Thunder. We ran in ponchos with wind in all directions and even had to modify our course when we encountered coyotes. I remember bawling around mile 21, saying “We're not gonna make it” and Melissa checked her watch, did some math and said “Yes we can. We are still on track”. With our families cheering us on along the way and meeting us at the end, we finished that sucker with a sub 5 for me and a PR for her. It was the most amazing feeling. Completing a full marathon is challenging enough as it is. But for me, for someone that running doesn’t come say to, to complete the full, in horrible conditions and achieve the time goal…well, I felt like a true bad@$$ and I’m so thankful I was able to share it with her. And now…we really are done with fulls!

Bucket List Race?

Rock and Roll half marathon - Las Vegas

The favorite race so far?

Dallas BMW Half. It’s pricey, but oh so worth it to me. I love the huge crowds, the energy, the holiday decorations in Highland Park, and running through the city.

Do you have a favorite distance?

The half marathon is my favorite for a race. I can run a 5k/10k on my own at any given time really. I pretty much run 5ks for my weekly runs and 10ks on the weekend, just for general health. The half requires some training, but not even close to the amount required for a full. It’s a sweet compromise for me.

What is something that most people do not know about you? I was a contestant on Family Feud a few years ago (BUCKET LIST!!!)

Favorite tune to rock out to while running? That’s tough because my playlist is so random - Alkaline trio (look it up) to Adele to Metallica to The Beatles. I skip through songs as I’m running because I need a chill song on my walk break but some loud stuff on my speed work. A song I really like for speed is No Roots by Alice Merton and, of course, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. Probably the weirdest song I like to run to is The Scientist by Coldplay. It makes me cry while running but somehow gives me tons of energy. Weird.

Best part about running? The End. LOL But seriously, I enjoy running, but I also like being done. I love challenging myself, but I love it even more when I’m finished. I love the feeling of accomplishment and then knowing I can eat and drink what I want afterwards without guilt.

Who inspires you? I really, truly am inspired by all the MRTT members. I love how we all encourage each other, even when we are all at different stages and places in our personal running journeys. I love seeing everyone else’s posts and cheering for y’all, which inspires me to do better for myself! I never feel like its a competition between any of us, and that is such a safe and wonderful feeling.

What has been your biggest challenge so far? When I was training for my first full in 2017, I struggled with some severe IT band pain. I remember Melissa having to circle back to get me on several training runs as I hobbled along. It was so discouraging! I really needed her to hang in there with me and she did. I also remember about three weeks before that race saying to Jeremy (my husband), “I don’t even want to do this anymore!” He responded, “Yes you do. You don’t mean that. Just finish.” I’m so lucky to have both of them in my corner!

Any words of advice? I’ll share the two things I tell myself all the time...I guess it’s advice?

“She believed she could, so she did"

“Anything is possible with hard work and dedication”


About MRTT

We are the local chapter of Moms Run this Town for the Allen/McKinney/Frisco and Plano area.  This is a free running club for women - our group is comprised of runners of all ages and paces! 


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