March Runner of the Month | Veronica Dickie

First race? Color Run 36ish pre-stroke Rudolph run after stroke
Most recent race? McKinney St. Patrick’s Day Beer Walk and Shamrock Run 5k

Favorite piece of gear? Running belt Apple Watch Beats headphones.
What shoes do you run in? I wear UA shoes. Mostly kids running shoes.
Favorite way to cross-train? Cross training: strength/HITT/kickboxing/yoga/barre 10 classes a week

Best running memory? I was invited to run with a group of ladies my first time out I was terrible I thought I was dying. These ladies were lapping me and they were always saying support things when they pass me. I kept going back.
Bucket List Race?
Any race! I am hoping for a half at least in Key West where I can have a personal pacer and have a spa day and drink. Wink wink!
Do you have a favorite distance?
4 miles right now

What is something that most people do not know about you? I was a license black jack and poker dealer. Was last 10 dealers in satellite tournament for the World Series of poker.
Favorite tune to rock out to while running? This One’s for you by David Guetta.
Best part about running? Small victories in pace/miles

Who inspires you? Kelly David - she has encouraged me in my running journey and really started me on this running journey.
What has been your biggest challenge so far? Coming back after a stroke. Having relearn your body.

Any words of advice? It might take years and lots of work but there’s no better feeling than crushing your goals.
Congratulations V. I'm so proud of you! Love the pictures of your successes. Keep on keepin on! Love, Mom